Staff News: "au revoir" to one of our wonderful work placements
This month we are very sad to be saying au revoir to one of our wonderful work placements, Goulven Hecht. We know that one day he will make a...
Supplier Open Day
As mentioned in our last newsletter, Atlas is delighted to be holding its supplier open day next Thursday 4th July. Taking place from 9.30am – 3pm, it promises to be...
Multi-lingual Packaging Design
We’ve found lots of top notch local businesses in Hertfordshire, and the lovely and clever people at Oyster Studios just up the road in Harpenden are a great example!...
How to brief a translation company and the best process to follow!
Firstly, ensure your source document to be translated is the absolutely, definitely final version! Making amends, deletions and additions during the translation process can be confusing and may incur...
ITI Conference
A major event in the world of translation and interpreting in the UK is the ITI Conference. ITI is the Institute of Translation and Interpreting, and we have been...
How do I get started & gain work experience in translation & interpreting? ITI London Regional Group Event
In March 2013 Atlas were delighted to attend this popular and well-attended event again. Director Clare Suttie tried to make a note of all the questions asked, and has...
Institute of Translation & Interpreting, University of Westminster, London Event 2013
In March 2013 Atlas were delighted to attend the Institute of Translation & Interpreting London, this popular and well-attended event again. Director Clare Suttie tried to make a note...
London Regional Group of the Institute of Translation & Interpreting
In March 2013 Atlas were delighted to attend this popular and well-attended event again, ITI London. Director Clare Suttie tried to make a note of all the questions asked,...
Institute of Translation & Interpreting (LRG) – University of Westminster Event 2013
In March 2013 Atlas were delighted to attend this popular and well-attended event again. After a quick chat with the other presenters – lovely people from 3 other agencies...
9 mistakes that freelancers make
From talking to our freelance translators we have come across 9 mistakes that freelancers often make. Here we outline them with some advice so that you don’t fall into...