Back Translation for Quality Control: The What, When, and Where

If you’re working in an industry where quality control is of the utmost importance, such as healthcare or legal professions, then reverse translation (also known as back translation) could be an essential step for you. Here’s a little bit more on what back translation is and why it might be necessary for your translation process.
What is back translation (or reverse translation)?
Reverse translation is an additional step in the translation process. It involves taking your translated documents and translating them back into their original language. This is a great way to ensure excellent quality control – especially when the translation involves important information such as medical terms or diagnoses.
Reverse translation allows you to compare your documents and make sure nothing important has been misinterpreted or missed out. When we include a back translation, the back translation will always be carried out by a different translator to the original. This enables a completely impartial comparison to ensure your document includes all the necessary information.
When do I need back translation?
Reverse translations probably won’t return a perfect match with your original document – languages aren’t exact sciences, after all. What they will do is highlight any missed ambiguities or errors in the translated text, helping to make sure your document includes everything it needs to have.
Not every translation will need a reverse translation. It’s most important to carry out a back translation when sensitive or unique terms are included in the text, such as for medical or legal documents. Regulatory bodies in some industries may also require a reverse translation as a stamp of quality control.
Where can I take the next step?
Quality control is an essential part of every translation we do. All of our translators work in their native tongues and have subject-specific knowledge, meaning any errors are rare. Even so, back translation helps to make sure your translated text makes perfect sense for its new audience, especially when it comes to unique terminology.
If you’re looking for a translation service that includes reverse translation, let us know by getting in touch with our team today. We respond quickly to all enquiries and have plenty of experience with back translation in a wide range of fields. Send us a message by emailing or call us on 01727 812725 to find out more.