Goodbye to Work Placement Lina
At the end of this week we bid farewell to Work Placement Lina, who has been with Atlas since February. She shared some of her experiences with Atlas below:
Once finishing university, you might feel confused, not knowing what to do or which path to take. Well that was me a couple of months ago before receiving an email that changed my mind about what I wanted to become. Atlas Translations had accepted me on their work placement scheme. Really cool right? I spent three months learning as much as I could about being a Project Manager; as matter of fact I heard that I was one of the best work placements they ever had!! I am kidding!!! But come on! I am sure I am?! I have loved working at Atlas and it helped me to be able to work independently and to take on responsibilities. I could say they trusted me to carry my own projects. I felt welcome and part of their team, they are amazing people always there to help you not matter what.
Thanks very much for your hard work Lina! Good luck with everything in the future.