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Posted on25 January 2017

Language services – how can we help your business?

language services, Translation agency, London, St Albans, Clare Suttie

We meet a lot of people at business shows and networking events, who’ve never required language services before. Some had never even heard of what we do. Neither have they considered that there could even be such a thing as the ‘translation industry’. It’s always interesting to watch their faces change, as we explain what we do, and how our services help other businesses grow, as they reach that ‘Eureka’ moment.

It’s completely reasonable to be unaware of the existence of language services, or indeed the value that they can add to your business. The role of translations in business is usually viewed in the same way as petrol is for your car – a necessity purchase that is not needed unless unavoidable.

Someone who’s never been pressed into looking into language or translation services could be forgiven for having this attitude. After all, what use could languages be to someone whose business is conducted entirely in the UK, in the English language?

Broaden your Appeal

Firstly, take a look at the UK. Figures released in 2012 showed that 12% of primary aged schoolchildren speak English as a second language. That’s around 1.1 million people who, almost five years later, are on the verge of becoming potential customers for your business. The 2011 census  indicates there are over 6 million UK residents who don’t speak English as a native language. In 2015 it’s been forecast that we had 34.4 million overseas visitors spending £22.0bn. This figure was predicted to rise to £22.9bn in 2016.

Clearly a large customer base of non-native English speakers exists in the UK, so how about trying to appeal to these people? One key way to do this, is to speak to them in their own language, and here’s where we can help. By translating your homepage, or some of your product listings you instantly forge a connection.

It’s not just getting people to understand what it is you do/offer more quickly either. Put yourself in your potential customers’ shoes and imagine being a non-native speaker in another country. It can be a lonely, even intimidating experience. So when someone makes the effort to reach out to you in a way you understand, it’s a big gesture. Not to mention the priceless feeling of familiarity they will draw from reading your message in their own language.
Taking this first step is relatively inexpensive, and you’re more than likely to receive a return on your investment. If you’re worried about then dealing with enquiries in languages other than English, then we can set you up with the tools to handle these. A 24/7 telephone interpreting account instantly grants the capability to converse with anyone in any language.


Then there’s the rest of the world. If you’ve never considered exporting your products/services, then perhaps now is the time to look into this. While the economy in the UK is predicted to weather some hardships in the next few years, other economies are expanding. British businesses have a global reputation for quality. You can make the most of this by exporting to some of these growing economies.

Even if you are a small business, you can try selling overseas on sites like Amazon to test the waters. We have helped numerous businesses with this process and can do the same for you. Translating the details of your products is a cost effective way of appealing to a broader market base. If successful, we can provide ongoing support for your business.

Expanding Opportunities

In a nutshell, language services can broaden your appeal to a wider base of consumers. They present more opportunities for your business to expand. So if you’re one of those people who viewing language services as a necessity purchase, perhaps it’s time to think differently. Instead of looking at translation as the fuel you’re forced to buy to get where you want to go, how about seeing translation as the road which can take your business to exciting new destinations?

Get in touch today to see how we can help your business grow.

Call us today on 01727 812 725 or email us at You can also chat with us live (during usual business hours) using the Live Chat box right now. This is a great way to chat with a real person and Atlas and get a good idea of price and timings for your translation work.

ISO 17100 – ISO 17100:2017 for Translation Services (since this standard began, in 2008, externally audited annually).

Mindful employer

Mindful Employer Plus – As a Charter member, our team have access to an Employee Assistance Program with 24/7/365 support, as we work toward achieving better mental health at work.

Federation of Small Businesses and the Self-Employed

A proud member of the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), a dynamic and inclusive not-for-profit membership organisation. FSB is dedicated to supporting and empowering small businesses across the UK and is committed to fostering an environment where entrepreneurs can thrive, innovate, and succeed.

Atlas Translations has been accredited by the Fair Tax Foundation since February 2024. The Fair Tax Foundation is a not-for-profit social enterprise developed by a team of tax justice, corporate responsibility, and ethical consumer experts. It was launched in 2014.

We’ve been registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) since 2004. Go to for more information.

We hold a full membership in the Association of British HealthTech Industries. The ABHI supports the HealthTech community by providing products and services that help people live healthier lives. As the voice of the industry, we show the value of health technology and overcome barriers to people benefitting from it now and in the future.

Certified since 2003, externally audited annually. ISO 9001:2015 is the international standard for Quality Management Systems (QMS), applicable across all sectors. ISO 9001 provides a framework to respond to changing quality requirements in line with changing demands across society, economics and the environment.


Disability Confident Committed is creating a movement of change, encouraging employers like ourselves to think differently about disability and take action to improve how we recruit, retain, and develop disabled people. Being a DCC employer is a unique opportunity to lead the way in our community and show that we’re a disability inclusive employer.

Corporate membership of the ITI (Institute of Translation and Interpreting) since 1994. Corporate Member of the Year 2021. ITI is the only UK-based independent professional membership association for practising translators, interpreters and all those involved in the language services sector.

CIEP: We’ve held Corporate membership Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading since 1993. CIEP are an international membership organisation that offers training and community for editorial professionals (copy editors and proofreaders) while helping members develop business confidence.

ATC: We hold full membership with the Association of Translation Companies, a trade association representing the interests of language service companies in the UK and internationally. It is the leading voice for companies operating in the UK’s language services industry.

Living Wage Employer: As a living wage employer, we believe our staff deserve a wage which meets every day needs. The Living Wage Foundation has a mission to encourage employers to play their part in tackling in-work and post-work poverty and provide a decent standard of living by paying the real Living Wage, adopting Living Hours and Living Pensions as well as wider good employment practices.

4-day week

Proudly a 4-Day Week Employer since 2019. Amongst other items, the 4-Day Week initiative calls for a reduction to the maximum working week from 48 hours per week to 32 hours per week by 2030.



A member of the Good Business Charter since 2022. The GBC is a simple accreditation that organisations of all sizes in the UK can apply for in recognition of responsible business practices.


We’re a proud member of the Patient Information Forum (PIF), a membership organisation for anyone producing health information and support. PIF promote access to trusted, evidence-based health information for patients, carers, the public and healthcare professionals.