Translation Agency Tips: #35 How best to use reference material
Whether the source materials you’ve been given to work on are of a technical nature or whether they’re fairly straightforward, if your client has provided you with some reference...
Translation Agency Tips: #34 My translation is going to be late. What’s the best way to deal with this?
In a previous blog we discussed what to do in the event you’re experiencing IT difficulties, and mentioned the importance of contacting your client as soon as you can...
Translation Agency Tips: #33 When things get too technical…
You’ve been offered a job from a client and of course the first thing you want to do before accepting the project, is to check the documents and make...
Translation Agency Tips: #32 IT Problems
When you work with computers on a day to day basis, sooner or later you are bound to experience some IT problems, and you can guarantee it will be...
Translation Agency Tips: #31 Marketing Translations
The three most popular subject areas we receive texts for translation in, are legal, medical and marketing. While it is common knowledge that legal and medical texts, (which are...
Translation Agency Tips: #30 How to be a really popular interpreter with your clients
Atlas offer a broad range of different interpreting services, and have a good deal of experience with different types of interpreting assignments, but regardless of which type(s) of interpreting...
Translation Agency Tips: #29 You've been offered a transcription assignment, what should you do next?
The first step on your transcription assignment will be to check over the audio file you’ve been sent, to make sure the material is in your mother tongue and...
Translation Agency Tips: #28 On-going CPD
Whether you’ve been a professional translator or interpreter for many years, or you’re just beginning your career in the translation industry, it’s important to continue enhancing your skills and develop...
Translation Agency Tips: #27 Active Networking
Earlier in this blog series we’ve touched upon marketing yourself as a freelance linguist and maintaining a good relationship with agencies. In both of those blogs we mentioned networking...
Fran Meets World | Euro 2016
I wanted to write a blog about Euro 2016 before it started but being Italian and superstitious I decided to wait until it was over for us, although I...