Translation Agency Tips: #26 Formatting Translations
When working on a translation project, we may sometimes find it difficult to deal with the formatting of our documents, especially when dealing with complex layouts. It is however...
Translation Agency Tips: #25 Translating in PowerPoint
Translating in PowerPoint format isn’t all that different from working in Word format, but there are a few things to be aware of. It can be more time consuming,...
Translation Agency Tips: #24 Maintaining a Good Relationship with Agencies
So you’ve been approved to work with an agency, and have maybe had a couple offers of work, but what can you do to ensure these offers keep coming...
Translation Agency Tips: #23 Working Onsite – Things to Consider
Working onsite for a client brings with it a different set of challenges for translators. First and foremost, agree with your client what you will be paid up front....
Fran Meets World | Cheese Rolling
I love cheese but don’t like running so even though I don’t think I will ever join in with the cheese rolling competition in Gloucestershire, it is one of...
Translation Agency Tips: #22 Tips for proofreading a translation
While thinking about proofreading for this blog topic, I was immediately reminded of reading Eats, Shoots and Leaves a few years ago and this quote sums up my feelings...
Translation Agency Tips: #21 Professional Indemnity (PII) Insurance – should you have it?
Should you have Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII) as a translator? Straight answer – yes! But seriously, to expand further though, you are offering a professional service to businesses. Professional...
Translation Agency Tips: #20 Going to be away? Don’t forget to tell your clients, and send us a postcard!
Is it time for you to have a break? Your desk is covered with papers and you’ve been working solidly for months so isn’t it time you booked yourself...
Translation Agency Tips: #19 What professional organisations should I join?
We are frequently asked which professional organisations or bodies translators should join. There is no one answer to this question! In fact there are many answers, and it depends...
Fran Meets World | St George's Day
Tomorrow is the day we celebrate St George – the patron saint of English. St George was a Roman soldier who became a Christian. When the authorities found out,...