Goodbye to Work Placement Ruben
There is an expression in Spanish ‘irse a la francesa’ which literally means ‘to leave the French way’. Apparently, it originates in 17th Century France where it was considered...
Fran Meets World | Sustainable St Albans & New Website Launched!
Our poor earth is becoming more and more polluted every day. Food going to waste, endangered species dying out, ice caps melting… We decided to take action and do our...
Translation Agency Tips: #5 An agency has asked me to lower my rate. What should I do?
The question nobody likes to ask, but in our blogs we like to tackle these kinds of questions, and it shouldn’t be like the cartoon above suggests! Remember that...
Translation Agency Tips: #4 Qualified but no Experience
As all translators must know, the road to becoming a professional and qualified translator can be long and stressful. It is vital to gain the suitable qualification(s) and to...
Fran Meets World | Diwali the Festival of Light
I was drawn to this festival immediately when I read that you have to wear new clothes and dedicate most of the time to shopping and secondly, as it...
Translation Agency Tips: #3 What qualifications and experience will you need?
We are often contacted by parents of A level students, language students, teachers wanting to change careers… all looking for advice on how to get started in translation, or...
Fran Meets World | Halloween 2015
I was born in the month of Halloween. I’m not sure if this says something about me but when I was little, I really wanted to have powers like...
Translation Agency Tips: #2 Applying to work with a client – the best approach
Thanks for checking out our blog series on tips for language professionals! While we appreciate that freelance linguists are of course experts in their respective disciplines, we’ve learnt a...
Translation Agency Tips: #1 How is your CV these days?
Thanks for checking out our blog series on tips for language professionals! While we appreciate that freelance linguists are of course experts in their respective disciplines, we’ve learnt a...
Fran Meets World | End of Summer
October is here already, and with it is that feeling of dread of a long, dark and rainy winter at our doorstep. Even though we didn’t have the best...