Why Choose Atlas Translations Ltd for Your Translation Service Needs?
People always wonder how many languages we at Atlas Translations Ltd speak. To that we say that our team speaks in such varied tongues as English, Spanish, French, and...
Goodbye to Manager Siân Owen
It is with great sadness that I write my last blog for Atlas as my time here has been better than I ever could have hoped for. Back in...
Words used in English, picked up from the Irish Language
St Patrick’s Day may have been and gone for another year, but the impact of the Irish language on English endures. Take a look at this list of 10...
Who’s who at Atlas Translations… Director Clare Suttie!
Clare Suttie has been running Atlas Translations and leading the team, since 1991. Loving her work as much today as she did right back then in the last century,...
What would you call your ironing company in Morocco?
St Albans Pancake Race 2015
Last week on Shrove Tuesday, Atlas Translations took part in the annual St Albans pancake race 2015. Expectations ran high with memories of last year’s victory in the ‘Flippin...
Who's who at Atlas Translations… starting with our Accounts Manager Monika!
Originally from Kalisz in Poland, Monika graduated from the University of Poznań with a First Class Honours Degree in Geology and Hydrology before working in Marketing and Logistics. She...
How to brief a translation company and the best process to follow!
Firstly, ensure your source document to be translated is the absolutely, definitely final version! Making amends, deletions and additions during the translation process can be confusing and may incur...
Top Tweets
It’s a been a great year for Atlas, and something we’ve really enjoyed is linking up with linguists and …. Anyone else who follows us on Twitter! Here are...
Hi! Why I don’t like being addressed as “Hi” in emails
Hi! Why I don’t like being addressed as “Hi” in emails This is a great blog by our friend Susan Heaton-Wright over at Executive Voice. It really struck a...