Translating for everyone – and hoping for a happy ever after!
You may think we just spend all our time working on business texts and commercial projects, but we regularly translate for members of the public too. Like Ross, from...
University of Westminster’s Meet the Client Event
Last week, Atlas’ director, Clare Suttie, was at the University of Westminster’s event in partnership with the ITI’s London Regional Group. A regular fixture in their (and our) calendar,...
Lá Fhéile Pádraig (the Day of the Festival of Patrick)
Today, all around the world, Irish nationals and descendants will celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day. St Patrick lived in Roman Britain during the 4th century from AD 385 to AD...
Hi! Why I don’t like being addressed as “Hi” in emails
This is a great blog by our friend Susan Heaton-Wright over at Executive Voice. It really struck a chord with us, as like Susan, we get a lot of...
St Albans Pancake Race 2014
We are proud to announce that earlier today, the Atlas Translations team were victorious in the annual St Albans pancake race 2014, in the walking category! Above is footage of the...
The challenges of localising a cookery book
Combining my two great loves of cake and languages, a proofreading assignment of the French-English translation of a quaint cookery book sounded like the dream project. Fancying myself (albeit...
This week at Atlas…
‘Never a dull day around here’… Although, this week we are working on translation of some payslips and bank statements. You may well be yawning in sympathy with the...
Best Business Exhibition – March 6th 2014
The next event Atlas Translations will be exhibiting at is the Best Business Exhibition, on the 6th March at Shendish Manor in Hertfordshire. If you’re in the area –...
Chinese New Year
The Chinese New Year is just around the corner, with the Chinese calendar beginning its next cycle with the Year of the Horse on Friday 31st of January 2014...
Interpreter Feedback
Lovely comments from a lovely client! We are always thrilled to get positive feedback from our clients, so it made our day to receive this email to Gabi recently:...