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Posted on8 January 2016

Translation Agency Tips: #10 Translating in Excel

translating in excel, translations, microsoft, spell check in excel, atlas translations, business, tips, freelance translators

Thanks for checking out our blog series on tips for language professionals! Welcome to number 10, translating in Excel.  While we appreciate that freelance linguists are of course experts in their respective disciplines, we’ve learnt a thing or two since we opened for business in 1991, and so we wanted to put together this list which will hopefully be of help to freelancers of all levels of experience. And if you have anything to add to the conversation, please leave a comment at the bottom of the page!

There are a few things to be aware of when translating Excel spread sheets. The program wasn’t really designed for flowing passages of text, which means translating in Excel can be far from ideal. That being said, for many clients it is a convenient way of collating translations for their end use.

First and foremost, you must be aware that the spell check is not automatic for Excel. To perform a spell check, go to the ‘Review’ tab, then click ‘Spelling’ from the ‘Proofing’ group. This will perform a spell check on the text. Older versions of Excel may not have this function, so a way around this would be to copy and paste your translation into Word, which should highlight any spelling discrepancies. Make sure you haven’t selected any cells before clicking the spell check or only these cells will be checked!

Another issue we frequently encounter with translating in Excel concerns formatting. The golden rule here is to try your best to replicate the source text as faithfully as possible. This is where the ‘Format Painter’ tool (found in the top left hand corner) comes in handy. Selecting the formatted source text and clicking the ‘Format Painter’ tool will load your cursor with its formatting attributes. Now if you click on your translation, it will be formatted to match the source. Often when typing text into a new cell the text will trail across the screen, so that only the first part of the sentence is visible. Clicking the ‘Wrap Text’ button from the tool bar will format the text to be contained within the parameters of the column, so that all the text in this row is visible. If something is highlighted or coloured differently in the source, make sure these words/sentences are highlighted or coloured in your translation.

Excel is a popular choice of format for clients writing texts to appear with html coding. You may want to clarify this with your client, but often code will appear in brackets within the source text, and while this text doesn’t usually need to be translated, it will probably need to be present in your translation. It’s important to make sure this is copied across accurately, and that any formatting is retained. It’s also worth considering what text will replace the code in the final version of this (it’s not always easy to tell) and how this could affect your translation. If you foresee any potential problems, do raise these with your client – they would rather you raised any potential issues before they become problems!

Last but not least, check that you’ve translated all the tabs you’ve been asked to. It can be quite easy to overlook, but I can’t count the number of times we’ve received a translation back with missing tabs or when the incorrect tab has been translated, despite sending out clear instructions. As with all translation projects, if instructions are sent, refer to these carefully to make sure you’re working on the correct parts. If unsure – check with your client! Also be aware that it can be quite difficult to get word counts for Excel documents, so if you suspect the word count you’ve been sent a PO for is wrong, do query this! Particularly if there are multiple tabs involved!

ISO 17100 – ISO 17100:2017 for Translation Services (since this standard began, in 2008, externally audited annually).

Mindful employer

Mindful Employer Plus – As a Charter member, our team have access to an Employee Assistance Program with 24/7/365 support, as we work toward achieving better mental health at work.

Federation of Small Businesses and the Self-Employed

A proud member of the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), a dynamic and inclusive not-for-profit membership organisation. FSB is dedicated to supporting and empowering small businesses across the UK and is committed to fostering an environment where entrepreneurs can thrive, innovate, and succeed.

Atlas Translations has been accredited by the Fair Tax Foundation since February 2024. The Fair Tax Foundation is a not-for-profit social enterprise developed by a team of tax justice, corporate responsibility, and ethical consumer experts. It was launched in 2014.

We’ve been registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) since 2004. Go to for more information.

We hold a full membership in the Association of British HealthTech Industries. The ABHI supports the HealthTech community by providing products and services that help people live healthier lives. As the voice of the industry, we show the value of health technology and overcome barriers to people benefitting from it now and in the future.

Certified since 2003, externally audited annually. ISO 9001:2015 is the international standard for Quality Management Systems (QMS), applicable across all sectors. ISO 9001 provides a framework to respond to changing quality requirements in line with changing demands across society, economics and the environment.


Disability Confident Committed is creating a movement of change, encouraging employers like ourselves to think differently about disability and take action to improve how we recruit, retain, and develop disabled people. Being a DCC employer is a unique opportunity to lead the way in our community and show that we’re a disability inclusive employer.

Corporate membership of the ITI (Institute of Translation and Interpreting) since 1994. Corporate Member of the Year 2021. ITI is the only UK-based independent professional membership association for practising translators, interpreters and all those involved in the language services sector.

CIEP: We’ve held Corporate membership Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading since 1993. CIEP are an international membership organisation that offers training and community for editorial professionals (copy editors and proofreaders) while helping members develop business confidence.

ATC: We hold full membership with the Association of Translation Companies, a trade association representing the interests of language service companies in the UK and internationally. It is the leading voice for companies operating in the UK’s language services industry.

Living Wage Employer: As a living wage employer, we believe our staff deserve a wage which meets every day needs. The Living Wage Foundation has a mission to encourage employers to play their part in tackling in-work and post-work poverty and provide a decent standard of living by paying the real Living Wage, adopting Living Hours and Living Pensions as well as wider good employment practices.

4-day week

Proudly a 4-Day Week Employer since 2019. Amongst other items, the 4-Day Week initiative calls for a reduction to the maximum working week from 48 hours per week to 32 hours per week by 2030.



A member of the Good Business Charter since 2022. The GBC is a simple accreditation that organisations of all sizes in the UK can apply for in recognition of responsible business practices.


We’re a proud member of the Patient Information Forum (PIF), a membership organisation for anyone producing health information and support. PIF promote access to trusted, evidence-based health information for patients, carers, the public and healthcare professionals.

The Fair Payment Code (FPC) sets standards for best payment practices and is administered by the Small Business Commissioner on behalf of the Department for Business and Trade (DBT). The Gold Award is awarded to those paying at least 95% of all invoices within 30 days.