Translation Agency Tips: #28 On-going CPD

Whether you’ve been a professional translator or interpreter for many years, or you’re just beginning your career in the translation industry, it’s important to continue enhancing your skills and develop your linguistic arsenal further. On-going CPD is one way of ensuring you’ll never be left behind in an industry which is constantly changing. If you’ve worked for us before or you’re browsing our website to apply for a freelance position, please let us know about your on-going CPD and make sure you keep your profile up to date so that we’re aware of your new skills and competences you’ve learnt.
Having a qualification in translation and years of experience doesn’t mean you don’t need to continue developing new skills and learning more about the industry and all of the services that you may be able to offer. There are so many different areas to gain experience in, and adding a new string to your bow will present new opportunities, whether it be a new area of expertise or a new service you can offer your clients.
Spending some time on CPD also demonstrates to clients how much you care about the quality of your work. We do take this into account, when reviewing applications and considering translators for projects, as quality is our first concern. Keeping records of your CPD up to date is a guarantee of quality for your clients and makes you stand out from the crowd.
At Atlas we offer training courses for professional linguists, from beginners courses in CAT Tools training (Trados, MemoQ, Wordfast) to Voiceover Workshops (For Beginners and Advanced Level). Why not take the chance to gain more experience and upgrade your knowledge about the translation world?
Please let us know if you’re interested in one of our courses and we’ll send you further details. Our new dates for our Voiceover Courses will be released soon. Do not miss your opportunity and email to get more information about it or to book a place!