Translation Agency Tips: #38: Keeping in touch with your clients

In the world of translation and interpreting, establishing a good relationship with your customers is key for a prosperous and constructive working relationship. Initially you’ll have to invest some time and effort into keeping in touch, but you’ll almost definitely enjoy a return for your endeavor.
Client relationships are like flowers – if you want to see them grow you’ll need to nurture them. You want to make sure that they’re happy and always well served with their translation needs or they’re likely to take their business elsewhere. A strong level of communication is therefore essential. This can be achieved through different channels, and social media is one of the easier and more engaging ways to keep in touch with your clients.
Social Media
Give your clients a friendly recommendation on Twitter, so they know you’re thinking of them. Also, ‘Like’ their Facebook Page – most clients have one today, and make sure you check their updates. Leave smart comments on their posts or blogs and make sure you use correct spelling and punctuation. You want to impress!
Find potential clients on LinkedIn and connect with them. Don’t forget to update your profile regularly, it will ensure that they can see you’re active and what you’re up to professionally. They can also access your professional history, so make sure this is well presented.
Keeping Notes
Keeping track of all your clients is not always easy, but we recommend keeping a short list of all your existing clients (their names, phone numbers, email addresses, Twitter accounts…) and adding a note about each contact where you state some personal information. It will help you to add a personal touch to your relationship, and clients will remember you more. Hopefully this personal relationship will become more natural over time, but in the beginning it can be useful to keep your client’s details in such a way.
Although all the aforementioned can boost your relationship with your clients, nothing beats face-to-face communication. If you can, arrange to meet with your customers, even just for a cup of tea and a chat. You could even send a Christmas card or a box of chocolates – they’ll be sure to remember you then (hint hint)!
Marketing your translation business does take time and money initially, but it will pay for itself in the end!
If you need to talk to us – try the little ‘live chat’ box at the bottom of your screen. Otherwise, contact us and we’ll be happy to eat chocolate with you!