Stefania Orlotti was born and raised in a small village in the south of Italy. She graduated from the University of Naples “L’Orientale” with a Master’s Degree in Linguistics and Specialised Translation. Naturally, this has proven very useful in her chosen career!
In 2012, Stefania embarked on a grand tour of Europe. This put her learning into practice and let her experience a variety of other cultures. Stefania’s language skills were further enhanced during her time away, with constant use of French and English.
Stefania joined Atlas Translations in 2013 on a work placement initially for three months. Because we were so impressed, we extended her stay (twice), having her with us for nine months—and she discovered her love of language was matched by a talent for project management.
No Escape
In 2015, Stefania returned to us, this time as a permanent fixture! She took on the business-critical role of project manager and then senior project manager. We aren’t letting her escape again. Ever.
Italian Hand Gestures
Stefania is the patient one—unflappable in the face of adversity! Nothing ever seems to throw her off her game. She also looks after the supplier applications by ensuring they are dealt with quickly and efficiently. We’re all learning Italian hand gestures, which we understand are about 50% of the Italian language.
Stefania is also a great cook. You’d almost think we employ people based on their culinary skills, but this is purely coincidental.
Outside of work, Stefania enjoys being a mum and teaching Italian to her two young children while keeping them busy in the kitchen making their family favourite lasagna.
Italian Language
Of course, Stefania has blogged about the Italian language, which you can read about here.
Stefania also helps manage our quality assurance procedures and manuals. She wows our external auditor annually with her calm and methodical approach. We invest in our processes and procedures to ensure that our projects are streamlined and service is smooth.
We hold two ISO certifications. The first is 9001:2015 (Quality Management), and we also hold 17100:2017 (Translation Services). Atlas Translations was one of the first UK companies to achieve these certifications.
You can find Stefania Orlotti on LinkedIn.
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